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Theatre Productions


At Center Stage Academy we LOVE the performing arts and want to share our passion with our students and the community! Throughout the year we produce quality children's musicals that are nothing less than SPECTACULAR! Each show has fabulous costumes, sets, lighting, choreography and music! We want the entire experience to inspire students to further explore the performing arts and in the process discover the confident, capable and truly remarkable individuals they are!


Throughout the school year, Musical Theatre students have the opportunity to develop their skills by auditioning for our theatre productions. These fun, professionally executed musicals are performed throughout the community at a variety of venues. 


Each summer, Center Stage Academy partners with Central Missouri Repertory to produce a Broadway style show at the beautiful Highlander Theatre on the UCM campus. Auditions for these shows are open to the community and happen in the spring.

Click the images below to see more production photos!

Alice in Wonderland, Jr.

Summer 2014

The Little Mermaid, Jr.

Summer 2013

Aladdin, Jr.

Summer 2012

The Wizard of Oz

Summer 2011

Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

Summer 2010

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