Recital 2019 Information!
Stages of Life 2019

Recital 2019 Information!
May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus
Stages of Life 2019

May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus

​(660) 747.6133
Celebrating 25 years!
What People Say about Center Stage!
"My daughter Reagan has been dancing at Center Stage for 10 years. I am so incredibly amazed by the talent of the instructors at Center Stage. They do truly amazing things with our girls in dance while teaching them life skills."
- Marty Webb, parent
“I sit here at Desiree's last dance recital in North Dakota. Oh how we miss Center Stage once again. The teachers, the instruction and productions that we had there I have yet to find anywhere else! Coast to coast, north and south, Center Stage is truly a wonderful gift Warrensburg has and they have no idea how lucky they are to such a fantastic studio!!! We are so blessed that the girls and Kevin had the opportunity to be there and see what a "First Class Studio" you are and how lucky they were to be a part of it!”
- Debbie Copeland, parent
“Look no further – Center Stage is TOP NOTCH! My daughters (now 12 and 13) began dancing at Center Stage at the age of 2. The instructors provided the foundation my young dancers needed to develop a forever love of this art! The knowledgeable, caring, and professional ways of the teachers always supported a well balanced approach to instruction. My girls not only were taught to dance, they were also encouraged to set goals, have good work ethics, and improve on positive character skills too. My daughters thoroughly enjoyed participating in Center Stage’s theater productions as well. The superb quality of the performances is unbeatable, and my kids made wonderful memories that will last a lifetime from being a part of such talent! As a parent, I would absolutely recommend this studio! We now live across the state, and my girls continue to dance and perform. We knew we loved being a part of the Center Stage family when we lived in Warrensburg; however, we didn’t realize just how much we would miss it! Whether you’re looking for the serious, committed dancer who craves quality technique and discipline, or the recreational, social performer who wants to be a part of something meaningful and fun – Center Stage is the place to be!”
– Diane Scherr, parent
“We have been watching/supporting [the live broadcast of the dance competition online] for the last couple of days, and we just want to say HOW PROUD we are of Center Stage Academy!! From the costumes, to the music selections, to the choreography and of course the DANCERS, Center Stage is a CLASS ACT! We are so proud to be part of the Center Stage family, and can't wait to watch in person this weekend! Great job!”
- Kristen Sullivan, parent
“I was truly impressed by how wonderful the students all looked on stage! The costumes were fabulous and I was amazed at how well the kids knew their lines and where they were supposed to be when! It’s inspiring seeing the high standards Center Stage expects from their students, both on and off stage, and then witnessing firsthand how the children rise to meet their expectations!”
-Camille Hegtvedt, parent
"We feel really lucky to have found an amazing studio. Even though they score very well at competitions, trophies and titles are never the main objective. They keep the important stuff center stage - teamwork, confidence, leadership, friendship... and the list goes on and on. Wouldn't have it any other way!!"
-Brandy Warren, parent
“If I were asked to name the most influential factor in the development of my daughters' social and physical skills and sense of self esteem, it would be their time spent at Center Stage Academy of the Performing Arts. Lainie and Brooke were instructed in all forms of dance and participated in theater classes. They were also involved in many of Center Stage's theatrical productions. Both girls were also members of the Center Stage Dance Company.
Casey and Jennifer Renfrow, as well as the other Center Stage instructors, loved, supported and guided my girls through their twisting, twirling, wiggly, preschool days; their formative elementary years; the awkward Middle School years; and applauded as they blossomed into young ladies. When we moved from Missouri to Texas, both girls cited Center Stage as the one thing they missed most about Warrensburg.
The dance and acting skills, acquired while at Center Stage, have opened the door to a multitude of opportunities for my daughters. They have participated in and had lead roles in a variety of high school and troupe theater productions. Both have been members and served as captains of their high school dance and cheer squads. Lainie competed with her high school debate team and placed in the state competition. Brooke has performed and placed in several singing competitions and performs as entertainment at a variety of events. Lainie was also a member of a 4-time National Championship collegiate dance team. The skills that Lainie acquired at Center Stage have transcended into her career as a sports anchor at the NBC affiliate in Charleston, SC.
But, the most important aspect of their time spent at Center Stage Academy of the Performing Arts was the sense of family that they felt while at Center Stage. The friendships developed there have been lasting. The girls know that they will have the love and support of Casey, Jennifer, Kristen Rice-Kemp and the other instructors for a lifetime. That in itself is absolutely invaluable. You have our heartfelt gratitude, CS!”
- Susan Fritz, parent
“This was my daughter’s first time being a part of the summer show and we have both absolutely loved everything about it! Malia was so excited for her family and friends to see her on stage and everyone was super impressed by how well done the entire show was and how great all the kids looked. We can’t wait to be a part of next year’s production!”
– Kathy Bloemker, parent
“I always love music recitals. Not only because I get to hear other musicians but because it makes everything so much more realistic. It helps me appreciate my talents even more and realize not everyone gets opportunities like this. Thank you to everyone who came out to support me and thank you so much to my amazing studio owner/dance teacher Jennifer Renfrow, my wonderful vocal director Jim Duncan, my guitar instructor Josh, and Barb Metcalf for doing such an amazing job of coordinating everything. Thank you to all the other teachers as well and congratulations to everyone who participated. Today was amazing!”
-Alyssa E., student
“Thank you so much! You really go above and beyond for all your students and we are so happy to call CSA our 2nd home!!! We appreciate you!!!”
– Debbie Shull, parent
“For years, I have wanted to take my daughter to see the Kansas City Ballet performance of the Nutcracker but the price of the tickets has always been out of reach. Realizing that we may not have too many more opportunities to do this together, I decided to take her this year. It was really good and we had a wonderful afternoon together. But I also gained a deeper appreciation for just how amazing our own Center Stage production really is! True, the KC Ballet has slightly more elaborate sets and special effects and more male lead dancers but that's about the only thing they have over Center Stage. Jennifer Renfrow has done such an amazing job with costumes and every little detail--nothing they have in KC is any better. Amy Gilchrist and Maggie Hartman have taught our students so very well, many of them could have easily taken the place of the "professionals" on the KC stage and done just as well. Both productions were completely magical, but our hometown Nutcracker was somehow a little more special because I know so many of the wonderful teachers and students who made it happen.”
– Nancy McLaughlin, parent
“These are exciting times and opportunities for our kids and I am grateful to the instructors at Center Stage for their awesome teaching and being top notch role models!”
- Mary Lubaroff, parent
“We just finished a very full week! Lots of dance practice and RECITAL! So proud of all the kids and grown ups that made the recital a success! P.S. To the members of company dancers I loved seeing how you worked so well together both on and off stage! The amazing support during changes and positive interactions backstage made me proud that we are part of the Center Stage family!”
- Nellie de Laurier, parent
“We've known for a long time that Center Stage has amazing choreographers. But the company line production of "The Old School Yard" has raised the bar to WORLD CLASS level! Not only is the line fun to watch but you can tell the dancers are having a blast performing it!”
- Mark Curtis, parent
“Just wanted to tell you AGAIN how much we miss Center Stage, you and all the teachers (and instruction). The girls had their recital last night...WOW, WOW, WOW...your recitals are top notch Broadway Performances compared to what we experienced last night. Thank you for all that you have done for our girls and for all the other families in Warrensburg! We are moving again this week, heading to Ohio, and the girls have already said that they want to SEE a DVD of the last two dance recitals of any studio we look at before making a final decision!”
– Debbie Copeland, parent