Recital 2019 Information!
Stages of Life 2019

Recital 2019 Information!
May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus
Stages of Life 2019

May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus

​(660) 747.6133
Celebrating 25 years!
Center Stage Summer Theatre!

Center Stage Academy is excited to announce our 17th annual summer youth theatre season, SpongeBob the Musical & Camp Broadway!

We will be producing 2 separate shows, our main stage production of SpongeBob the Musical (grades 6 & up as of Fall 2024) and our Camp Broadway production of Finding Nemo, Kids (2nd-5th/6th grade as of Fall 2024)!
While each cast will receive the same high level of production quality that Center Stage provides, our Camp Broadway production will be done with simple costuming. Performances will be June 21-23 in the Warrensburg High School Lecture Hall.
The main stage production, SpongeBob will have 4 performances June 21-23 and Camp Broadway/Finding Nemo will have 1 performance on Saturday, June 22nd.

Rising 2nd-5th/6th Graders!
There are NO AUDITIONS for Camp Broadway!
Just enroll in the camp (June 17-21, 10am-2pm) when the summer schedule is available- casting for Finding Nemo will take place during camp!
Congratulations to everyone! It's going to be a fantastic show!
Please fill out the above form to let us know if you will or will not be participating in SpongeBob with us this summer!
WHO can audition for SpongeBob the Musical?
YOU and ALL YOUR FRIENDS who are rising 6th graders through 18 years old!
You DO NOT have to be a Center Stage Student to be a part of this summer production!
WHEN and WHERE are the auditions?
Friday, May 17th, 4:30pm (check-in begins at 4pm) at Center Stage!
Auditionees will finish at different times and can call parents to pick them up.
Auditions will begin with the whole group learning and performing a short, simple dance combination (dance experience not necessary), followed by an ensemble only group singing call for dancers who do not want to be considered for any role other than ensemble (see details in packet). Following this group call, all actors will perform their prepared material for the directors in number order. As soon as they are finished with individual auditions, students are free to go.
HOW do I audition?
Click on the link below or above to read the audition information!
Each performer will also need to bring a completed audition form to the audition.
We will have an Ensemble Only Group Singing Call for dancers who do not want to be considered for any role other than ensemble. At auditions, performers who only want to be considered for the dancing ensemble, will sing the prepared selection as a group. *Please note-ALL performers cast in the show will be expected to sing in the show (even those cast as featured dancers) however you will not be required to sing by yourself. Remember, if you choose this format, you will not be considered for any named character.
All of the Audition information you need to know, including information on rehearsals & performances can be downloaded from the links above or below! Be sure to read through ALL of the information!
The music links are also listed below for your convenience.