Recital 2019 Information!
Stages of Life 2019

Recital 2019 Information!
May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus
Stages of Life 2019

May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus

(660) 747.6133
Celebrating 25 years!
Center Stage Staff Information
2016/ 2017 Season

Spring Break- March 21-27
-Studio Closed! No regular classes!
The Monday Minute!
Hi! If you've come here looking for our Monday Minute- GREAT! Please send me an email at coreena@centerstageacademy.org and I will post it on here ASAP (or I can email it to you). I have a feeling this page isn't being referenced and if it's not necessary, there's not a reason for us to make sure to keep it updated. Your feedback will let me know it is a possible useful tool. Thanks!
It’s Monday! Hooray! Not too much to report today so it’ll really be more like a Monday Moment.
It turns out CenturyLink (our internet service provider) DID find some trouble with the line out by DD Highway which was causing us some trouble with our main connection. Mice or something ?!?! So the good news is things seem to be working a bit better since then. Keep me posted if you continue to have trouble connecting!
PARTY TIME! Here are the staff party details:
When: SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 AT 6:30PM for dinner and F-U-N!
Where: At Casey and Jennifer’s house: 704 W. Hale Lake Rd.
What to Wear: Casual
What to Bring: Just your fabulous self (And while all of our friends and families are really great, this is a party just for YOU! CS Staff only please.)
How to Reserve your Spot: PLEASE, OH PLEASE RSVP by Wednesday at 9pm. In fact, you can just hit REPLY right NOW from this email to let me know you’ll be there! (or that you’re a party-pooper) Please let me know either way.
Happy Monday!
Thanks to everyone who hopped on the FB Live Meeting! If you didn't’ get a chance to see it-don’t worry-you can watch the replay directly from our staff FB Page!
We DO have class next Monday for MLK Day. Please be sure to announce this to your Monday classes. The kids don’t have school so there could be some confusion. We’ve decided NOT to send a handout home since we’ve been bombarding them with reminders via email, signage up at the studio and social media posts. But still...make an announcement in class! And front desk staff should mention it to people on their way out the door too!
We’ve been having some significant internet issues at the studio the past few days. As of right NOW the issue seems to be resolved but I don’t feel confident that further problems won’t come up. And you can bet it will be right when you’re ready to save a lessonmate or have a group of 2 year olds waiting on music, or are working through someone’s account at the front desk. So all I can say right now is, just be ready for that. Teachers--be sure you have some music that is saved directly to your devices so you aren’t counting on internet for connection issues. LessonMate users: you may have to just jot down some handwritten note and come back to LessonMate later. This really stinks, believe me, I know.
Recital Info is still coming...stay tuned. I’ll send you info as I have it ready!
Mommy & Me new session will begin NEXT WEEK, January 21, on Tuesday mornings-let all your mommy friends know!
In case you didn't see it in the snapshot, we are now offering Private Acting Lessons with our very own acting coach, Sarah Montoya- very exciting!
TOP SECRET until Tuesday, but we’ll be announcing that our summer show will be Shrek, jr. the Musical! What fun! DON’T SPILL THE BEANS UNTIL AFTER WE’VE STARTED TELLING WHICH WILL BE TUESDAY NIGHT IN THEATRE CLASSES. You can start talking about it on Wednesday.
It’s production week Monday again! What a FANTASTIC weekend full of rehearsals and 3 OUTSTANDING Music Recitals! Thank you so much to all our music faculty that worked so hard to make sure our students had a great experience!
Coming Up THIS WEEK!
HANDOUTS TO ALL STUDENTS: There is an Elf flyer with a candy cane attached--each student should take one of these home this week! Please help encourage your students to come see Elf this weekend!
Elfie Selfie Station in the lobby! To help promote Elf, I’ve set up a station to take pictures to post on social media! It’d be REALLY fun if all our staff could participate by posting a pic or two!
MUSIC FACULTY: Each music student will have a gift labeled with their name. They will be waiting in the studio where you have lessons. We will begin distributing these Tuesday or Wednesday (whenever I get them ready). PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO HAND THESE OUT. We’ve invested a whole lot of money in this gift and want each student to get one! FYI-if a student would prefer a different size, they can exchange it at the front desk.
Be sure to let your Monday and Tuesday students know that WE DO HAVE CLASS next Monday and Tuesday. This week will be our last Wednesday and Thursday classes of the year! WOW!
Have an awesome week!
Happy Monday! I know you all were probably pretty disappointed last week when you didn’t receive your Monday Minute--and for that I’m very sorry! The day just got away with all the exciting things happening at Center Stage! As you all know the next 21 days will bring an AMAZING amount of excitement to the studio! Just to line things out so you all know the scoop:
Nutcracker Rehearsals starting tonight through Thursday at the studio. We’ve done our best to schedule rehearsals so that students wouldn’t have to miss other classes but sometimes there was no way around this. Please be flexible!
School Teaser performances of the Nutcracker throughout this week!
Load in and Dress Rehearsal on Friday. Two beautiful performances on Saturday and 1 on Sunday of The Nutcracker!
Star Performers dancing at Dickens Christmas downtown Warrensburg on Saturday, December 3!
Big weekend of Elf Rehearsals December 9-11.
3 AWESOME Holiday Music Recitals on December 11 at the Alumni Chapel at UCM.
Company rehearsals and preparation for Master Classes with guest artist Don Mirault!
December 12-18: Parent Participation Week! More info to come on that!
2 performances of Elf, the Musical on December 17th (7:30pm) & 18th (2pm) at WHS.
December 16-18: 3 days of Master Classes and showcase performances of our Company Dances with guest artist Don Mirault!
So, as you can see, it’s going to take all of us going at 100% to make sure our students have the BEST experience possible in the next few weeks!
All students (including dance, music, theatre, preschool) should receive a beautiful Nutcracker info card. If dancers in the Nutcracker performance would like to take an extra to give as invitations that would be GREAT!
For all of the Precombo Classes and Fine Arts Preschool Classes there are NUTCRACKER STICKERS that are super cute! Please give these out this week!
Wow! Congrats to everyone involved in making our Girl Scouts Nutcracker Day a HUGE success! Thanks to all the staff that volunteered their time to bring the Nutcracker to life for nearly 70 girl scouts and their moms!
Just a reminder to keep making your way through costume measurements. Also, this is another great chance to make sure our class records are accurate! If someone has been coming to class but isn’t on your measurement list, please write them on and make sure the front desk knows!
Payroll: please be sure that you have verified your hours--especially music instructors! Barb will be out of town starting Tuesday, so she’ll be reviewing music hours through today before she leaves at the end of the day. I know we still have tomorrow (the 15th) but if we can be totally caught up before the end of TONIGHT that would be fantastic!
Don’t forget to order your CS Logo Apparel! All CS Staff can purchase at cost (which should be lower than the listed price, but we won't know the actual cost until we know how many total orders are being placed).
THANKSGIVING BREAK-starting Tuesday, please verbally remind your classes and lessons that we are CLOSED Tuesday-Saturday for Thanksgiving next week.
Nutcracker Classes: The Rehearsal & Performance Info Packet needs to go out this week to all Nutcracker performers! To save paper, Show Orders are NOT being added to all of the packets- the show order is available to view online and can be picked up at the front desk if students ask! The info packet as well as costume information sheets will also be available to view on the studio website!
If you sub for someone, first of all, THANK YOU-YOU’RE AWESOME, but please don’t forget to write in the notes section of the Time Card who you are subbing for!!
Our chargers keep disappearing! Yikes! Every cable and wall charger is labeled with Center Stage, yet somehow they keep wandering. Please keep your eyes open and remember NOT to remove them from the studios. If a student needs one, tough luck.
Thanks to all those Monday staff/faculty that spent Friday night with us last week! I was pretty impressed with attendance!
New Preschool Dance Curriculum Unit starts today!!
A note about handouts--so here’s the deal. YOU REALLY NEED TO DISTRIBUTE THE HANDOUTS! Last week we had over 50% of the handouts (for PC and Intro Combo only) left at the end of the week. I personally counted how many kids were in classes and made the copies myself. These were printed in color and were for an event that was supposed to happen on Saturday (which had to be canceled due to low enrollment.) Not only did someone spend a bunch of time creating the artwork for the handout but money was spent on color copies. So you can imagine how much is stinks to see a huge pile of wasted resources at the end of the week. But most importantly, handouts are a CRITICAL way we communicate to our parents. Our open rate on the studio snapshot is approximately 50%. That means 50% of our current families are not even opening their emails. We can’t count on that being our only means of communication. SO, PLEASE, make it a point to read below to know what handouts you should be giving out. The office staff will be vigilant about making sure you have what you need in the studios but ultimately, it’s up to you to get them out. If there is someway we can help systemize this, please let me know!
We will start taking Costume Measurements in DANCE CLASSES tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8th!
We are collecting donations for The Christmas Store starting today through December 8th! You are all welcome to contribute and please encourage your classes to do so!
Nutcracker Tickets go on sale on Sunday at noon! Watch for an email from Coreena to send in any ticket requests you have so we can reserve your seats before tickets go on sale! Please keep in mind, we will need as many dance/office staff (music staff are always welcome as well!) helping out backstage as possible during both performances when requesting your tickets!
Handout to ALL Students in all Classes: Nutcracker Tickets on Sale, Apparel Order & Christmas Store Info!
Nutcracker Students: Backstage Volunteer Handout- if someone didn’t receive one last week!
Happy Halloween! REMEMBER-the studio is closed tonight at 3pm BUT CLASSES WILL BE HELD ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 instead. Enjoy your spooky night!
Thanks to all the staff that went for it on dress up week! The kids love seeing their teachers dressed up!
Coming Up: Next week in DANCE CLASSES we’ll get started with costume measurements. More info to follow.
MUSIC FACULTY: Just a reminder that you should have your holiday recital music selected by now. Titles need to be to Barb by November 15. Later this week we’ll be sending out an email to parents for them to confirm their spot in the recital.
Don’t forget about those PPI’s!
Break-A-Leg to Dalton on his Studio One Acts this weekend (he’s the technical director) and to Sarah as her show Sunset Boulevard which opens this Saturday! Anyone else have any exciting performances/gigs coming up?
If you have classes with kids age 3-6 please let them know about our Imagine That series! It’s a dance camp series and the first class is this Saturday! It’s called Ballerina Land of Sweets-we’ll be learning a dance, decorating cupcakes and learning all about ballet! It’ll be a blast!
Precombo I & II and Intro Combo Classes: Imagine That! Ballerina Land Of Sweets Handout
Wow! Thanks to all that helped make the Homecoming Parade a GREAT event for CS! This really is one of my favorite events of the whole year and I have YOU GUYS to thank for that! I can’t describe the amazing feeling I have of knowing that Barb and our team have everything under control so I can be rehearsing during the most critical time of the event--when everyone is arriving! And special thanks to Coreena who, instead of attending this fun event, took one for the team and spent 8 hours learning about lead pages and autoresponders and facebook pixels and a ton of other stuff that makes your head feel like it’s going to explode! I’m filled with so much gratitude to you all today! THANKS! And--if you have any feedback on how we can do things better in the future (choreography dos/don’ts, google form sign up process, float ideas, what to do with little ones, etc.) please pop me an email!
A big shout out to Kristen for taking our dancers to the TOP Dance Directive on Sunday! Thanks for taking the lead on that and providing an opportunity for our students to get inspired!
It’s DRESS UP WEEK at CS! Just a reminder that full participation in this event is expected! : ) If you have a student that forgot to dress up--we will have a bucket of some fun costume pieces they can wear for class at the front desk. If this is your first dress up week, sometimes a student will forget and feel sad--so please be empathetic to the situation and say, “No problem! You can pick something out of our costume box to wear during class!” You know, do your magic and turn that situation into a WOW!
Remember to tell all your MONDAY classes and lessons that CS is closed next Monday for Halloween. And don’t forget that we have class on Friday instead!
THIS WEEK! If you’re a snappy-chatter, I just set up a geo-filter in Snapchat for Costume Week at CS! Please let your students know and use it yourself if you can! In your Sunday Studio Snapshot you’ll see a picture of it! But just so you know, it’s only available at CS-and some of the parking lot. Fun, right?
New Acro Session starting this Saturday! Encourage your students to REGISTER NOW!
NUTCRACKER REHEARSAL schedules will be going out this week. Amy has worked REALLY hard to schedule rehearsals without overlapping a student’s other classes-but there may be a few impossible situations that there will be exceptions. If a student has an overlapping class they should be able to make it to a portion of regular class and rehearsal. Please be understanding of this in the next few weeks!
HALLOWEEN TREATS FOR CLASSES will be in each studio-it’s all little stuff that I really don’t want to keep storing, so it’s ok if a student takes something for every class they come to this week!
For ALL Monday Students Only: No Classes Halloween, Monday, October 31. Make up Classes on Friday, November 4th during their regular Monday Class times!
For All Students All Week: Halloween Treats!
Thanks to Sarah for a GREAT stage-makeup workshop! Everyone had a blast! Check out the Sunday Snapshot to see some fun pictures!
Kuddos to Kristen, Terra and Allison for registering for the TOP teacher workshop!
I’ll be out of town this week at TWO different studio seminars! On Tuesday-Thursday Coreena and I will be in Chicago with Misty Lown for the More Than Just Great Dancing Studio Owner’s University and then we’ll head back to KC for another seminar on Friday-Sunday with Austin Roberson for Studio Owner’s Academy! I can’t wait to learn tons of awesome stuff to bring back to Center Stage! I’m going to skip out on Saturday because there’s NO WAY I’d miss the Homecoming Parade! (Thanks so much to Coreena who will be going in my place on Saturday!)
Homecoming!!! We still don’t have line up details but as soon as I receive them I’ll send an email letting you know exact line up times and details. This is our LAST week to work on the dance in class (and let our music students know that we want them to be a part of the fun) so make sure you’re reviewing it in EVERY class--even tap!
Homecoming Staff Lunch!! Every year after the parade we gather at our house for a quick chili lunch (or peanut butter & jelly for little ones) so please join us! Our address is 704 W. Hale Lake Rd. and you’re all invited to bring your families. We usually head off to the Mules game by 1:00ish. So that I can be sure to have prepared enough food, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL RSVP LETTING ME KNOW IF YOU’LL BE ABLE TO ATTEND OR NOT!
Next week is COSTUME WEEK! I’m getting very excited to see all of the fabulous costumes you guys come up with to wear ALL week! : )
Job Opening! We are looking for someone to clean for a couple hours a day. The gig is quite flexible--they could work early in the morning, after we close, or even during the day. If you know of someone that would be interested in about 10 hours per week PLEASE send them my way!
Events handout for ALL Students! Covers Acro session, Costume Week, Nutcracker Shirts, & Homecoming!
About the Homecoming Dance: I’m afraid I don’t have the next part of the dance recorded yet! There’s really only that 2nd verse and the very end left to teach. I’ll have it to you by tomorrow’s classes-I promise! It’ll be a snap to teach and for the kids to learn--no worries!
We are holding a Stage Makeup workshop this Saturday form 3-4:30pm open to anyone ages 8 & Up! Be sure to promote it in your classes this week- the deadline to sign up is Friday at noon. Everyone will learn to apply basic stage makeup on themselves and then can choose to add aging or cuts/bruising effects! It's going to be awesome and perfect timing this close to Halloween!
Congrats again to our CS crew that worked on “The Secret Garden” at UCM! It was a beautiful show! Kaycee was the Assistant Musical Director, Todd played trumpet in the pit, and Dalton was a spot operator!
TODAY is your LAST CHANCE to register for the TOP Dance Directive on October 23-there are great classes for instructors to take-Use this to stay current and grow your skills! It's a ton of fun! Let Kristen know by 3:00pm today if you want to go! We MUST register today!
Be sure to fill out the sign up for the Homecoming Parade so we will have your T-shirt size! Here's the link! https://goo.gl/forms/t8j1HcI82eXty8sH3
Stage Makeup Workshop Handout- for all students ages 8 & up
Save the Dates- Music Handout for Music students only!
Thanks so much for attending the meeting yesterday! I LOVE having everyone together!
Homecoming Dance-start teaching the first part today! Sorry I haven’t gotten a video done yet but hopefully you can remember the choreo from yesterday. In case you’ve forgotten here are some written notes:
2 counts of 8 - boogie in your shoes
4 counts of 8 - disco up right, down left, up right, down left, stars up above head for 5, 6, 7 down in front of belly for 8 (repeat 4 times)
Kick ball change- star up on 1 and down on 2, turn ¼ turn to the right boogie 3-4 (repeat in circle 4 times)
Moving forward for 1-4, star scooping up, twist down for 5-8 (repeat)
Then there is the unknown verse, repeat chorus
Bridge (instrumental part) Star in right hand up right 1-3, down 4, reverse. Do that 3 times, jump in circle for 5-8 with star above head.
The song is uploaded to the Music Library and can be found via Sonos>Music Library>Imported playlists>Homecoming
There are stars to practice with in each dance studio. Theatre teachers will need to go get some from another room or find them upstairs. These are the ones we will perform with so be sure to tell the kids to be careful!
New Precombo Unit Starting Today! All the new props are in studio 5 and the music is uploaded and ready!
ATTENTION ALL: Please, oh please pick up your things at the end of the night! If you’ve gotten props or cables from another room, put them back where you got them! And, please, oh please don’t leave your water bottles, extra cables, random junk in the studios. I spent all morning cleaning up the dance studios and putting things back where they go. Which I actually don’t mind because it’s completely mindless and it looks like I’ve accomplished something, but it seems like maybe I should be doing something like working on new programs, designing exciting advertisements and logos, making Nutcracker or Elf Costumes, marketing our awesome studio, and working out better systems to make your jobs better! Just sayin’.
For the most part, time entries were pretty accurate this time. But REALLY soon, I’m going to stop looking to see if you entered your time correctly and just assume that you did. So on the 15th and the 30/31st, please double check that you’ve entered your time correctly. There were 4 people this time that wouldn't have gotten all that was owed to them if I had just assumed all was entered correctly.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are inviting all music students to learn the choreography for the parade either in Theatre Classes or Jazz 3. So, if you teach those classes and have a music student there to learn-welcome them!
Don’t forget about the Dance Directive! Sign up here! https://goo.gl/forms/2ewIKuIqTPhgj5Zw2
Homecoming Handout for ALL Classes! There is a Music Student specific homecoming handout for music students!
Precombo I & II Unit 2 Parent Letter
Practice Pack Music Note for Music Students
Staff meeting and Photo Shoot on Sunday!! Here’s the schedule:
12:45 Photographer will be set up ready to take photos
1:00-1:45 Dance Faculty (and all office staff)
1:45-2:15 ALL Staff and Faculty
2:15-3:00 Music Faculty (and all office staff)
What to wear for your photo: A black shirt-we’ll only see your top half so it doesn’t matter what you wear on the bottom. Check out the website under faculty and you’ll get an idea of what we want. Let’s just keep it black this time-no colored scarves.
This Saturday is a dance Master Class with Kari Herman-encourage your students to attend! She’s super fun and the kids really respond to her!
No New Handouts This Week!
Precombo I & II Classes Only: Parent Curriculum letter and Coloring Book for New Students
Creative Movement: Coloring Book for New Students
Tickets for UCM's production of The Secret Garden go on sale this week with the show opening October 5th. Several CS Staff are involved and CS student Ben Renfrow is playing the role of the little boy Colin!
BAF week was GREAT! We had 116 friends attend (92 of which were new faces to the studio!). That's awesome! I'll keep you posted on the enroll statistics to see how many new students we get!
Don't forget! When tracking attendance for PRIVATE LESSONS (both music and dance) you MUST write the name of the student in the notes!
Staff Meeting October 2- VERY IMPORTANT- we'll be taking staff pictures. The following people will be photographed: anyone that is not already on the website staff/faculty page, anyone that needs a new picture (like if you dyed your hair a totally different color, or haven't taken one with our photographer, or would just like to get a better picture!).
At the staff meeting we'll also be having break-out sessions of Music Only and Dance Only (maybe theatre only--I'll be in touch about that one.) Office staff should plan to attend both break-out sessions since you need to be ALL-KNOWING!
PPI! Keep watching for ways you can make a Positive Personal Impact in a student's life!
No new ones this week!
Precombo I & II Classes: Parent Curriculum letter and Coloring Book for New Students
Creative Movement: Coloring Book for New Students
Burg Fest Performances! Our Star Performance Teams and select Company routines (and possibly Tracy's Jr. Combo 2 class) will be performing at Burg Fest this Saturday from 12-1pm. Then Belle (Torrie Shelly) and the Sugar Plum Fairy will be available to Meet & Greet from 5-5:30pm.
It's Bring a Friend Week!!!! Woohoo!!! That means we all need to pull out all the stops and show all those friends what a top notch, super-awesome studio we really are! This is a fun week for the current students, but it also is one of our biggest marketing tools! Last year we had 10 students register after BAF week! Let's see if we can get even MORE this year! Here are a few things to remember:
1. Please wear your CS Staff T-shirt AND CS Nametag (if you have one! If you're new, they have been ordered, they just haven't arrived yet- sorry!).
2. Greet your students in the lobby (as you should be doing all the time)! Talk with parents, welcome friends, learn their names and put your most friendly, welcoming self out there this week! Encourage all friends to participate and be sure to have a simple, high-energy combination to teach that everyone (even beginners) will enjoy. For music lessons, think about how you can incorporate friends in the lesson? Maybe a fun rhythm exercise?!
3. Have all friends just take their shoes off and leave them in the lobby. Please don't send them to the front desk to find used shoes--we just don't have enough for that and it would be CRAZY!
4. Each friend needs to turn in an invitation to you. If they don't have one already, please have them fill one out (or a parent) before they leave. This is the way they will have a chance to win the big bear at the front! Make sure all the info is filled in--especially name and email.
5. At the end of class, give each "friend" a CS Water Bottle full of awesome goodies and promo materials. Later in the week ask if they've already received one (because sometimes they will have come earlier in the week). Just FYI--these friend "giveaways" are pretty costly and are assembled by real people, aka Jennifer and Coreena, so if you see one in the hall please pick it up, or if the "friend" is a boyfriend or someone that will never come to CS, don't give them one. If the "friend" is a current CS student they do not receive a water bottle (nor are they entered to win the bear and tuition credit). And lastly, if a current student or current parent asks, no they can't have one either.
6. MAKE EACH CLASS AWESOME! I know they already are awesome each week but make this one extra special! Do activities and steps that ANYONE can enjoy! Encourage friends to get up and give it a try!
7. Mostly, enjoy the week and your kids and their students will too!
PLEASE, OH PLEASE take attendance. Like, for real. I know there have been a few instances where it hasn’t recorded so please verify at the end of your teaching night that you have complete attendance for all your classes!
RECITAL REVEAL INFO--Another big event to be totally pumped about!!
1. Hopefully you've been following along our social media sites and have seen the recital theme hints throughout last week! Yesterday we revealed the Recital Theme via video on our studio Facebook page and included the link to the video in the Sunday Studio Snapshot email that went out studio wide last night. However, we still want to make a big deal about announcing the recital theme all week in classes!
2. 2017 Recital Theme: Center Stage Spends a Night at the Museum! Each student (and friends) will receive a paint brush with the recital theme on it to take home with them!
3. Please sell this like you've been waiting your whole life to tell them the theme! If there's time you can show them the video to reveal the theme. You can get there via the Center Stage website. Click on Parent Info on the home page, then click on the Recital 2017 Information block to get to the video link! Or you can show it to them directly from your Facebook page!
Oct 2nd staff meeting/ homecoming & photos!- MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!
Just a reminder that on TUESDAYS the Preschool Room is being used by Theatre so please DO NOT ENTER the room to use the refrigerator while class is going on. There is a break in the classes from 7:20-8:10 so either wait until then to enter the room or grab what you need before classes start at 5:00. Sorry for the inconvenience but it’s just too distracting to have people in and out.
If you reply to a text message sent from Center Stage, it comes to us as an email- it doesn't go to Jennifer and we won't necessarily see it right away in the studio inbox. So, if you need to send a text you can text Jennifer directly at 660.238.7524.
ALL CLASSES! Bring a Friend Week Water Bottle (only to new friends!) & Recital Theme Paintbrush (to all dance classes)
Precombo I & II Classes Only: Parent Curriculum Letter & Coloring Book for New Students
Creative Movement: Coloring Book for New Students
The Elf Jr. Cast List is being posted on Wednesday the 14th!
Here's your ( Monday Minute) Tell-it-to-you Tuesday!
When you are subbing a class or private lesson, you can (and must) still take attendance via the portal even if you’re not set as the teacher. Just select the class that you’re subbing and you can take attendance just as usual.
Just FYI, our Star Performance Team will be dancing at “Get the Red Out” this Thursday (along with a couple of advanced tap dancers) and will be missing any other classes around 4-6:00pm.
Also, just FYI, we will be posting hints about the recital theme this week (on Facebook, etc...) and will reveal the theme this weekend. Please don't tell anyone the theme even if they ask this week!
SUPER EXCITING! NEXT WEEK IS BRING A FRIEND WEEK! It is SO important that each student (dance, music, AND theatre) leave the building this week with the handout about BAF week AND the invitation to give to their friends. There are prizes to win if they bring a friend and even a free month of class ($55 limit) so REALLY encourage your students to bring a buddy. They can bring up to 2 friends with them but each friend MUST have an invitation.
Start thinking how you can have a productive yet AMAZING BAF WEEK class so all the friends will want to come be a part of CS!
Next week for BAF week, I’d like ALL faculty and staff to wear your staff tshirts!
Elf, Jr. Auditions on Saturday! If a student would like to audition it’s not too late to register for theatre class. They could even come to the audition and register into theatre after! Audition information is posted on the CS website!
PLEASE, OH PLEASE take attendance.I know there have been a few instances where it hasn’t recorded so please verify at the end of your teaching night that you have complete attendance for all your classes!
There are a few people that didn’t get paid on Friday due to incomplete paperwork or incomplete portal time clocks! Yikes! I’ll be contacting you in the next couple of days to make sure we’ve got everything on track for next payroll. In the meantime, PLEASE BE VERY ACCURATE IN RECORDING YOUR TIME!
Private MUSIC AND DANCE lessons--don’t forget to record the name of the student in the notes part of the time clock!
Oct 2nd staff meeting/ homecoming & photos!- MARK YOU CALENDARS NOW! If you know you have a conflict let Jennifer know, like now.
Just a reminder that on TUESDAYS the Preschool Room is being used by Theatre so please DO NOT ENTER the room to use the refrigerator while class is going on. There is a break in the classes from 7:20-8:10 so either wait until then to enter the room or grab what you need before classes start at 5:00. Sorry for the inconvenience but it’s just too distracting to have people in and out.
ALL CLASSES! Bring a Friend Week Handout (yellow) & Invitation
Precombo I & II Classes Only: Parent Curriculum Letter & Coloring Book for New Students
Creative Movement: Coloring Book for New Students
Congrats to Sarah Montoya on being cast in Sunset Boulevard in Overland Park!
Help us welcome Dalton Pittenger and Alyssa Clifton to the Center Stage team! Dalton will be working the front desk on Mondays and Wednesdays and Alyssa will be teaching Preschool with Nancy in the mornings along with some other special projects! We are so glad to have you both on board!
Have an awesome week!
Happy Monday Everyone! This'll just take a minute...
Just a reminder that on TUESDAYS the Preschool Room is being used by Theatre so please DO NOT ENTER the room to use the refrigerator while class is going on. There is a break in the classes from 7:20-8:10 so either wait until then to enter the room or grab what you need before classes start at 5:00. Sorry for the inconvenience but it’s just too distracting to have people in and out.
Don’t forget to record and save your attendance! Each day we get a report of Incomplete Attendance and will send you a reminder via your STAFF PORTAL (or maybe even a text) if yours is incomplete. Please update that ASAP so we can get accurate results. Be sure you are always looking at the NEWS on your Staff Portal for important timely notes. Remember you can access your portal from home or anywhere to finish up attendance or your time cards.
Some other important notes about the Portal:
The news tab is where we will let you know if there will be a trial student in your class (since a trial won’t show up on the attendance roster). That way you can greet the new student in the lobby!
The news tab is also where we will let you know of student absences if they have called to let us know. (i.e. Jack Renfrow won’t be at Tap 5 today due to a band concert at school) THEN, when you are recording the absence for Jack in Tap 5 you will mark him as absent but then make a quick note on the “notes” icon so we can have that info saved in our records. Here’s why that’s important--when a student misses two classes in a row, we will call the parent to make sure the student is doing ok or if there are any problems with the class. But, if they’ve already called in to let us know that there was a concert and then that he was sick, we sound dumb when we call to make sure they were ok.
Accuracy in attendance is CRITICAL so please be careful on this. If a student comes late, just go back in and mark them as present.
Please double check your TIME CARDS via the portal by WEDNESDAY (August 31). This pay period is a little weird because of Labor Day--I have to submit payroll by 5pm on August 31 in order to get funds to your accounts by the 5th so if you work on Wednesday, go ahead and record your hours for that night so it can get on this pay period. ALL HOURS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA THE PORTAL BY 1PM ON WEDNESDAY.
The Nutcracker Cast list will be posted this evening! 50 dancers auditioned yesterday and as with any cast list, there will be kids that are elated and kids that are completely bummed. Take a look at the list (even if you’re not involved directly with the production) and see where you can offer your encouragement to all dancers!
On Tuesday we're making the big announcement to our theatre classes that we will be producing Elf this holiday season! This is TOP SECRET until after Tuesday night-don't let the cat out of the bag!
Hey Music Teachers! Don't forget to be sending your weekly LessonMate to each student! If you need any help getting started or set-up please see me or Barb!
MONDAY CLASSES ONLY (music, theatre & dance): Handout about Closed Labor Day & Bring A Friend Week
PRECOMBO I & II CLASSES ONLY: Parent Curriculum letter and Coloring Book for New Students
CREATIVE MOVEMENT CLASSES: Coloring Book for New Students
Congrats to Kaycee (musical director) and Michael (actor) on their awesome run of "Avenue Q" at UCM! I got to see it on Saturday and it was fantastic- the whole audience was rolling! Nice work!
Congrats on a GREAT first week!
Be sure to keep greeting your students in the lobby this week—there will be some new faces and we want their first class to be just as awesome even though they didn’t start on the first day! PRECOMBO TEACHERS: don’t forget to give any new students the handout and coloring book from last week!
I forgot to mention this at the staff meeting but please keep the Recital theme TOP SECRET! We will do a big reveal studio wide-I’ll keep you posted with details!
Don’t forget that all new staff still need to send their short bios/picture to Coreena! We’ve received info from the following: Erica, Michael and Sarah. Thanks guys!! Still needed from: Carey, Kaycee, Moriah, Haleigh, Taylor & Jim
New Class starting this weekend-ACRO for kids K & up. There will be a handout about that but be sure to promote it during class!
We had a GREAT Company Kick-Off Meeting on Sunday! Everyone seemed excited for a fantastic new year!
Just FYI a new session of Mommy & Me starts next TUESDAY for kids 18months-2 years with a caregiver. Spread the word!
We are still looking for two positions at Center Stage: a Fine Arts Preschool Teacher Assistant that works M-F from 8:30-1:00 AND someone to do cleaning (schedule is flexible-could be late nights or mornings). If you know someone that might be interested in those positions-please tell them to contact me! We are looking to hire very soon!
ALL DANCE CLASSES K & UP: handout about ACRO 8-Week Session Starting THIS Saturday- August 27
BALLET, INTRO COMBO, BOYS TECH: handouts about Nutcracker Auditions, Ballet Dress Code, Nutcracker Production Agreement/Parent Info to any NEW students!
PRECOMBO I & II CLASSES ONLY: Parent Curriculum letter and Coloring Book for New Students
CREATIVE MOVEMENT CLASSES: Coloring Book for New Students
Happy First Day of Classes!!!!!!
Just a few things today!
I’ve changed the portal settings for everyone so you can see your classes with the option to see all of the day’s classes. This should be how you will enter attendance when you're a sub. Thanks for asking that question Natasha!
Don’t forget our Theatre Dept. Meeting on Wednesday evening at 9pm!
I forgot to mention that another GREAT communication tool is our CS Spectacular Staff Facebook group-be sure you set your device to give you notifications so you know when something important/fun is happening!
ATTENTION ALL NEW STAFF: Throughout the this week and next we’ll be introducing you all to the CS families and would like for you to submit a quick bio and photo to Coreena. Please do that ASAP! (coreena@centerstageacademy.org)
Note that Halloween falls on a Monday this year. So we are cancelling classes that night and having Monday classes on Friday November 4 instead. Mark you calendars!
For those that teach private DANCE lessons, the STUDIO RESERVATION SCHEDULE (FALL 2016) has been updated. Remember, if you have a lesson that meets every week at the same time you’ll need to enter it on every week. Tabs at the bottom are by week!
Remember the password for the Staff Page on the Website is Inspire.
BALLET CLASSES ONLY: handouts about Nutcracker Auditions, Ballet Dress Code, Nutcracker Production Agreement/Parent Info
PRECOMBO I & II CLASSES ONLY: Parent Curriculum letter and Coloring Book for kids
Company Specialty Routines Cast List was posted today on the website! Kids will be super excited about this!
I can't wait to see you all in action THIS WEEK! You're going to be AMAZING!
Monday Minute Amendment (also on 8/15/16!)
Hi guys!!!
Everything is going beautifully at the studio tonight! You all look wonderful in your snazzy staff shirts!
I forgot to mention in the Morning Monday Minute about how to track your time for staff meetings so you get paid! Woohoo!
Here's how we will track that...rather than everyone entering the hours at meetings in your staff portal, I will keep track of everyone who attends and will automatically add it to your time sheet when I'm doing payroll! I think that will be easiest since everyone has a different meeting pay rate than your regular instructor rate which might be hard to track through the portal.
Hope that makes sense. Pop me an email if it doesn't!!
You guys are the BEST!
To submit information for the Monday Minute, please send an email to Coreena at coreena@centerstageacademy.org!