Recital 2019 Information!
Stages of Life 2019

Recital 2019 Information!
May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus
Stages of Life 2019

May 31, 7:00pm & June 1, 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Hendricks Hall, UCM Campus

​(660) 747.6133
Celebrating 25 years!

We are super excited to be able to offer some FREE IN-STUDIO bonus classes for our current dancers!
Classes below are available on a sign-up only basis. We can have a maximum of 9 dancers per class so be sure to sign up ASAP if you want to attend! If the class is already full on the sign up, please add your name to the wait list for that class on the sign-up form in case a spot opens up!
If a class has fewer than 5 students sign-up, we will not hold the class.
Social distancing and sanitation protocols will be in effect. The lobby will be "closed" during these classes, which means no parents or guests are allowed to enter or wait with their dancer. There will only be one class taking place in the studio at a time and we will be sanitizing the studio in the 15 minutes between classes. There will be marked spots to wait inside the studio prior to class starting and a hand sanitizing station as you enter and exit the building. More specific details will be sent your way after you sign up!
9:30-10:15am: Company Tap 1-2 with Jennifer- CANCELLED
10:30-11:15am: Company Tap 3-5 AND Tap 4-5 with Jennifer - CONFIRMED
11:30-12:15pm: Jazz 3-4 with Terra- CANCELLED
12:30-1:15pm: Tap 1-3 with Jennifer- CONFIRMED
1:30-2:15pm: Jazz grades 5th-7th with Annie- CONFIRMED
2:30-3:15pm: Jazz grades 3rd-5th with Annie- CONFIRMED
9:15-10:00am: Intermediate Ballet with Amy- CONFIRMED
10:15-11:00am: Junior Ballet 3-4 with Amy- CONFIRMED
11:15-12:00pm: Pre-Company 2-3 with Kristen- CONFIRMED
12:15-1:15pm: Company Jazz 1-2 with Kristen- CONFIRMED
1:30-2:30pm: Company Jazz 3-4 with Kristen- CONFIRMED
2:45-3:45pm: Advanced Ballet with Amy- CONFIRMED
We take the safety of our kids and families and our responsibility to our staff & community seriously.
Any considerations to move towards face-to-face service is being done with the utmost care and consultation of our local leaders and authorities.